Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

For my birthday a couple of weeks ago, the boys dressed me up like a princess and started my morning by teaching a ballet class for me. :)

With Starbucks in hand we drove to a pumpkin patch where the boys picked their own pumpkins, we've never done that before and it was really neat. 

 It was a day full of my favorites and I felt very loved.  


  1. What a great Birthday! Sounds like so much fun! They look so perfect, the three of them sitting in that cart at the pumpkin patch! I bet they were so excited to pick out their very own pumpkins.

  2. love the princess crown and that they taught you ballet. too precious. so glad you had a great birthday!

  3. Your littles are so cute all scrunched in that wagon together with their pumpkins. And I soooo wish I could have been invited to that ballet class!! I would have paid good money to have been there! :-)
