Thursday, April 24, 2014


Luke had his first field trip to Picket Fence Creamery and I got to join him and even got to ride the bus. We had so much fun!! The weather was rainy before we left but it held off while we were at the farm. Luke was so excited to ride the school bus for the first time, as were all his little friends, he has such a sweet little class!! We got to try their ice cream and chocolate milk which was delicious and brought home some maple bacon ice cream for Daddy to try. It was a great day, as Luke put it, 
"The best day ever!!" :)

Easter Celebrations (photo overload)

I feel like I haven't been using my camera as much lately so I think I got a little snap happy for Easter. :) We had a nice weekend spending time with those we love!! 

George Strait Concert

"I cross my heart and promise to
Give all I've got to give to make all your dreams come true. 
In all the world you'll never find a love as true as mine." George Strait

With our boots on Greg I went to the George Strait concert last weekend. Greg in his cowboy boots always bring me back to high school when he wore them all the time. :) We enjoyed the concert and it was nice to spend an evening without the kids. 
We also enjoyed a hike back to the lake from our house and dinner before the concert. 

I had never seen the movie Pure Country so we rented that this week to keep with the George Strait theme. :)

annual bunny ears photo shoot


the plants are growing so fast. it's pretty exciting! :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

riding without training wheels

Luke wanted to ride his bike without training wheels so Greg took them off last week. 
Luke was so excited and learned so quickly! 
Then he had a fall and told me that he wasn't going to ride again till his bike thought about what it did wrong!! :))  Daddy put a kickstand on it though and Luke's back on his bike. 

Luke and I watched this video over and over again last night. 
We were laughing at the spot at the end where he falls off, it's kinda funny. 

the adventure

The start of our adventure...if you don't know, our house came with a commercial size greenhouse behind it. As much as we wanted to just get rid of it we thought it made sense to try and make use of it, at least for a year. So we planted our veggies and our flowers and our spices and time will tell if we can do this or not. :) For now it is an exciting "adventure" (that's what the boys call the greenhouse) and we are all hopeful of what might come of the little black trays!! :))

I took the kiddos to see the Easter Bunny. Adalyn wanted nothing to do with him, but she was excited to ride the train like a big girl. :)

Nana joined Ethan and I for kindermusik last week. :)

We did it, we got a van. I am in heaven, it has been so nice!
Ethan went with us the night we got it, he was so good waiting in the dealership with us for hours. 
I love the photo of the kids sleeping, everyone is enjoying their own space!!
 We turned Adalyn around for the first time, she was pretty excited about that. 

Before we put our coats away....but then had to get them out again.