Friday, May 24, 2013

Flower Blooms

We've been enjoying all the beautiful flowers that have been blooming around our place. This is our first spring here and it's exciting to see what will bloom next. 
We've also been soaking up all the warm weather lately and spending lots of time outdoors. 
Adalyn loves to lay on a blanket and the boys love to ride their bikes and play in the dirt. Greg got their Gator going and they could not be happier. I have been trying to tackle our flower gardens. We have lots of little critters that I am learning about,  on average I am discovering a new FREAKY bug by the day. It's really hard to try and remain, "Bugs are Cool!" when I'm around the boys, however, I am trying to stay calm even though I want to run every time I see as wasp (or these really really huge bumble bee's that have been hanging around.) Anyway :)
I hope you have a enjoyable Memorial Day Weekend! Take care.

Movie at Jack Trice

Last weekend Scott & Jonna's family invited us to watch Wreck-It Ralph at Jack Trice Stadium. 
It was a beautiful night and we had so much fun! 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

~ Mother's Day ~

It was a wonderful day and I felt very loved!

Adalyn ~ 8 Months Old

She is starting to make this funny face. :) Makes me laugh.

 Adalyn is 8 months old! 
She is so ready to start crawling but as hard as she tries she's not quite there yet. 
Next months photos might be a little harder to take. 

Kansas City

We went to Kansas City last weekend for my cousin Anna's graduation.  It was our first stay in a hotel without having Ethan in a pack-n-play and it was so nice! It just seems so crazy to me that we actually need a room with two queen beds now.  It was fun to get away and we enjoyed getting to celebrate Anna & spend time with family. 

Luke was off playing with the other kids at the party.

We took Adalyn swimming for the first time, she loved it and splashed like crazy!

We stopped at Paradise Park to play. The boys had a lot of fun.

Monday, May 6, 2013

A Glimpse

Life's been busy here as I'm sure it has been for you too, anyway my camera has been sitting on the shelf a little more lately and my blog's been a little quiet but here a few photos taken with my phone. 

They were being so sweet and loving!! 

Luke was putting on a show for us, Ethan & Adalyn were loving it!




We've had many trips to the "fix-it" store but our basement finally has carpet and the boys love it!

Cuddling with a pillow. 

So ready for warm weather again!

We are so excited for this summer; 
the places it will take us and the loved ones we'll get to spend time with! 
I'm sure there will be lots of photos we'll take along the way. :)

We hope you get to enjoy this beautiful day!