Thursday, July 24, 2014

summer fun

who needs a swimsuit!? 

cuddling with dad

making ice cream for the first time

craft time, adalyn's first time at the big table


I took Adalyn to fareway to grocery shop with me and she had a blast pushing around her own little cart. It was pretty fun for me too. 

Cousin's Ben and Joe spent a day with us, we had a lot of fun, they were so great with the kids!

Summer is going so fast. I wish with all my might I could slow it down but I can't so we're trying to make the most of these last 3 weeks. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photography Sis! Beautiful landscape and I love the dramatic feel of the one where Adalyn was reaching out for you! Taking Adalyn shopping sounds so cute! I bet you two were adorable to see. I'm sure she got lots of smiles!

    ZQvc gvcvcv gv```2
    ~Raegan's comment ( I think she is trying to say she loves the photos of her cousins and can't wait to see them in August)
