Friday, May 4, 2012

Luke Update

These photos were taken earlier this spring. 
Our little Luke is three and a half now, it really is so hard to believe how fast time flies.
He is our funny little guy, always saying things that make us laugh and talking all the time. 
He is so loving and I try and cherish every moment of it. His favorite color is green and everything he chooses needs to be that color. He is very social, always saying hi to everyone we meet when we are out and about. Him and Ethan are actually starting to play together now and when he is being sweet to Ethan it is the coolest thing and makes me so proud of him.

He is so excited about our new house but even more excited about his baby sister. 
This past week he asked almost everyday, "When is she going to come out, is it going to be soon? She is going to be in there forever and ever." :) He loves to sing songs about his baby sister with his guitar in hand. He loves music. He was in a kindermusik class this past winter and spring and had a blast. Greg and I took turns taking him and we enjoyed the special time to hang out with just him. We are really enjoying this age! 


  1. So fun to read about their different personalities! Again, thank you for sharing, Ame!

  2. Thanks for the beautiful pictures and updates! It's so fun to watch them grow---you and Greg are such neat parents! Thank you for keeping us close.
    Aunt Diane

  3. He is such a handsome little guy. And, I agree, he is very social. :)
