Friday, November 4, 2011

¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)Hot Cocoa ¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)

I was so excited to take Luke to Starbucks for his first Hot Cocoa. 
The tiny little cup it comes in is sooo cute! Luke must be a little like me cause he loved it too. 
He was thrilled about his Hot Cocoa and getting to be just like Mommy & Daddy. :o)
I don't know if Starbucks chocolate is extra potent or what but I think this might have to be a rare occasion. 
Luke was WIRED last night. Wow, I have never seen him so silly :o) but it was worth it.

Luke has been so sweet to Ethan lately, always wanting to hold him even though Ethan his huge on his lap. :o) 
The other day, I was holding Ethan and Luke came up to him and said, 
"I love you baby brother, you're such a sweet little boy!" It melted my heart. 

A few snapshots of Ethan from a couple of weeks ago. 

Have a great weekend!! 


  1. CUTE! Laila loves the strawberries and cream from Starbucks....only, it doesn't come in a tiny little cup. :S

    The pictures of Luke and Ethan are so sweet. Luke is such a good big brother!


  2. Luke speaks straight to my heart, little starbucks lover :) what a good big brother! you can tell they both love each other so very much. both beautiful boys-- inside and out!

  3. OOOO!!!!!!!!!! They are such cuties!!! I had so much fun with you guys! Thanks!!!


  4. Nicole ~

    We'll have to take the little ones there together sometime. That would be sooo fun!! :o)

    Sarah ~
    I knew a Starbucks post would get a comment out of you. :o) You're so sweet, thank you!

    Shelly ~

    Thanks!! We really enjoyed having you stay with us. Luke was sad when you left. I hope you are enjoying your couple of days off from school!!
