Monday, September 12, 2011

Our New Townhouse

Ethan loves the soft carpet. He kept laying his head on it. 

Luke was excited about his new closet and even "helped" me carry some of his things upstairs to it. 

We are getting settled into our new townhouse. As settled as we can get without the majority of our furniture. ;o) The movers are bringing our things next Monday so I am excited about that. Luke & Ethan both seem to like the new place. 
We are excited to make this place a home until we decide where we want to buy our next home and ready for life to slow down a little bit. 

1 comment:

  1. I loved the video you posted!!!! You should post more of those, especially when you get the townhouse all done!!! I also loved how Ethan was just laying on the floor watching Momma go by!

