Tuesday, April 19, 2011


 Daddy & His Boys
Holding Daddy Tight

Luke said the cutest thing...

Yesterday, I was trying on clothes and Luke said, Oh Mommy, it's too cute! Your jammies!"
Today we had to drop off my computer because the sound wasn't working and we were running a little late to Ethan's Well Baby Check when I said, "Come on people," to the slow cars in front of me.
 Luke said, "Not people Mommy, Cars!" :o)

Ethan's 2 Month Well Baby Check

Our big boy weighs 13 pounds 6.5 ounces (95th percentile) and measures 23 inches (85th percentile.) They said he's growing great and commented on what a calm baby he is. 
He got 3 combination shots and one oral vaccine. 
The nurse said he took his oral medicine like a 6 month old. Which she said she wasn't surprised about since he's obviously a good eater. :o)
But, the poor little guy did not like his shots, I felt so bad for him. 

Luke did great at the appointment too, he's pretty used to going to doctor appointments now. 
For a while he thought if we were going in the car then we must be going to the doctor. 
Today, he thought that if your pushed the door stop on the wall that the door would open and the doctor would come in. :o) Silly guy.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the update!! Luke's quotes are so cute! He's a very literal little guy, isn't he. :) And Ethan....what a big, healthy boy he is! I want to snuggle him! 13 pounds!! Wow! Considering my little peanut didn't weigh 10 pounds until she was 4 months old. Ha!
