A family photo for mother's day! :)

My sweeties!!
I was invited to Luke's classroom for a Mother's Day surprise the Friday before Mother's Day. It was very special and I was quite emotional about it. :) He had been talking about it for weeks but told me he couldn't tell me about it. I would hear him whispering little things to Ethan here and there but not enough to know what he had planned.
When I got to his classroom Luke and his classmates were standing at their chairs with their sweet little flower arrangement that they made, then the kids picked out our bagels and cream cheese from Panera and poured our drinks and cleaned up after us. It was all very sweet.
Visiting Gramma for a fun Mother's Day lunch.
Greg, Uncle Scott, Luke and Cousin Holden were out jumping on the trampoline, playing break the egg. They were having so much fun, it was pretty cool to capture the moment and the videos are even better. :)
Supper at Hickory Park with Nana to end a great Mother's Day!