Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Love ...

Adalyn ~ 6 Month Photo Shoot

Our little Ballerina! 

Stretching & Chilling out! :)

I had so much fun taking Adalyn's 6 month photos!! 
She had her well check yesterday, she weighed 16.1 pounds (43rd %tile) and measured 26.25 inches (55th% percentile) She was all smiles at her appointment but cried pretty hard for her shots. 
Luckily, she doesn't have to get any at 9 months. 
She's sitting up pretty good, is saying some sounds like "Da" and ate rice cereal for the first time which she really likes (photos to come.) She's growing so fast!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Adalyn ~ 6 Months Old

Today is Adalyn's half birthday! She is growing so fast! 
She is such a happy little baby. I realized this morning that she knows how to kiss, not the open mouth wide kind that babies do, she purses her lips and kisses. So sweet!!
6 Month photo shoot photos to come. 


I have been trying to catch a photo of the wildlife we have been seeing without much success, so yesterday when we saw this guy in the trees Greg & I both gave it a shot. We were'nt quite sure if we got anything so when I zoomed in I was excited to see that we got him!! Isn't he cool looking!


We moved Ethan over to his big boy bed a couple of weeks ago and Adalyn finally got her room at nearly 6 months. She loves it. Ethan is doing good at night but likes to make me work for it for his afternoon naps. Our routine has changed a little around here and we are all getting up a little too early for my liking but everyone is sleeping now and sometimes I find that pretty amazing. :)

Helping Daddy

:) Ethan you silly little guy

The guys have been spending what free time they have fixing up our basement. Luke just loves helping Daddy and has become his little shadow. It's so fun to see him get so excited! He literally is down in the basement whenever Greg is and is so excited for weekends with Daddy. :) Ethan thinks the basement is little loud for his liking since we had a little episode with the air compressor one day. Let's just say everyone over reacted a little (me) and it was quite the scream fest which was a little traumatizing for Ethan. Want more details you'll have to ask me about it. Anyway, we are excited at the progress of the basement and can't wait to spend time down there as a family.