Thursday, December 19, 2013

merry christmas to you

We hope you have a very merry Christmas!!!

celebrating the season

Headed out to see the christmas lights.

Showing off her christmas outfit from Secret Santa a.k.a Nana. :)

The boys made holiday pillows, they helped with the whole thing. It was their first time using the sewing machine which they loved and did a great job. They were so excited to go to bed that night with their pillows and I think I had as much fun as they did. :)

I have been wanting to take Luke to Build-a-Bear since he was a baby but we had never been, so we finally went and the boys got christmas puppies. :) Their favorite part was grooming the puppy and putting them in their little houses (I have to admit the boxes are my favorite part. :))

15 month well baby check

Adalyn had her 15 month check up last week. She had to get three shots which she wasn't super excited about but the doctor said she is growing perfectly. She weighed 20 pounds 8 ounces (40th percentile) and measured 30 inches tall (32nd percentile.)

playing in the snow

Playing in the snow we got a couple of weeks ago!! Luke & Ethan has a blast sledding down the hill. Adalyn kept scooting off her sled so she could play in the snow too. :)

Friday, December 6, 2013

hello there...

I think Adalyn looks so tiny sitting at this desk. She loved being a big girl and eating her breakfast here.

Hope you are well and enjoying the holiday season!!

getting into the holiday spirit

On our way to see Santa. 

As we pulled up to the store to see Santa Ethan said, "I'm so excited, I'm so excited, I"m so excited!":) Adalyn was not so excited and cried as soon as we set her in Santa's lap. 

The kiddos can hardly wait for Christmas and we have been having fun enjoying the holiday season.
Nothing is cuter then hearing little Ethan sing Jingle Bells and Adalyn saying, "Ho Ho Ho!"

This was the first tree up in our house, the boys loved decorating it.
I cannot image a child being more excited about Christmas then Luke, he gets so into it every year and loves to help get the house ready. He is always pretending he is an elf, I just love it! 


We went to a basketball game a couple of weeks ago. 
The boys were so excited to get their photo with Cy! 

a trip to minnesota

We traveled up to Minnesota in November to celebrate Grandma Pearls 80th Birthday.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

our little cutie

Have a nice weekend!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

playing in the leaves

Playing in the leaves a couple of weekends ago. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I just love this photo! :)

Friday, November 8, 2013

ISU Football Games

We have enjoyed taking the boys to the Iowa State football games this season! 
We are ready for a win tomorrow!! :)